~ Christmas Reminders ~

May the Christmas presents remind you~

of God's greatest gift - His only begotten Son.

May the Christmas candles remind you~

of him who is the light of the world.

May the Christmas tree remind you~

of another tree on which He died for you.

May the Christmas cheer remind you~

of him who said, "Be of good cheer "

May the Christmas feast remind you~

of Him who is the bread of life.

May the Christmas snow remind you~

of the cleansing power of Christ.

May the Christmas bells remind you~

of the glorious proclamation of His birth.

May the Christmas carols remind you~

of his glad tidings which we are to proclaim to all mankind.

May the Christmas season remind you~

in every way of Jesus Christ your king!


  1. Thank you for the excellent reminders during this busy season. Sometimes I know I am guilty of being so 'busy' that I forget what the real meaning of the season is all about!

  2. Thank you so much for these most important reminders!


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