Hobby turned small business venture.....

Last week, when I posted for Skittles' "heads of tails" meme, I talked about a hobby that turned out to be a " out of our home" business venture.

It all started about 10 years ago, when I bought a heat in the microwave bag at a local craft show. It was just a bag filled with field corn, that would hold the heat for an extended period of time and the bag could be applied anywhere on the body to relieve pain. I brought it home and it worked!

I thought what a great gift this would be!..... But I soon found out that the little lady that I bought it from had retired and was no longer making them.
One day Hubby came home with a tension headache and I told him that I had just the thing for it. He tried it and said that we should make them for family Christmas gifts. The following Christmas we did, and they were a big success. Soon family members were ordering them for their friends. The next year, Hubby suggested renting a spot at a craft show. Again we did well, and even had follow-up orders from people that had received them as gifts!

To make a long story short, 10 years and many, many bags later, we are still goin' strong!! Our handmade bags have gone to 5 countries and over 18 states!

And it all started in our family room . . . . . .


  1. Wow! Interesting! It's great when we can make money from our hobby! That's really a blessing!

    Thanks Suzy, for coming to my blog and leave a kind comment... hope you can be my friend..



  2. Suzy,
    That's wonderful that you were able to turn a craft into a home business.

    I've read about these bags, but never tried them.

  3. oh wow.suzy that is awesome and those bags are great!!!! I'm bookmarking your lovely blog.oh and where in canada did you visit???have a great day


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