You made it !!!!!!

July 30, 2007

Sarah ~
Graduation day has finally come, and I can’t even begin to tell you how proud I am !
For three long years now, you have juggled schedules, dealt with migraines, and stuffed your head with volumes of information…words that I couldn’t even pronounce, let alone define.

I know that there were times when you felt so overwhelmed that you wondered if it was worth it. Between classes, full days at the hospital, and trying to spend quality time with Alex and Frank, you had little time left for yourself.

But you stuck with it….. and we knew you could do it, and do it well.

Since you were a little girl, you have always had a soft heart and caring spirit for those with physical needs. And when you speak about your patients, I hear a genuine concern for them in your voice. I believe that God has given you a gift and this is where you are called to be. Use your smile and out-going personality to help them through a very difficult time. They will benefit by having someone so compassionate to care for them.

So now you are ready to take on the world. Give the best you have to give and reap the rewards of your labor!
I love you…..Mom

"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. "~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

1 comment:

  1. Wow...What a lovely blog about your daughter... she is simply beautiful! She was a beautiful baby and has only gotten prettier with age. I'm sure she must take after her mother...Thank you for the sweet letter and the cute slide show!!! I love you!!!!!!


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