100 things about me.....

As tradition in bloggerville goes, when you reach your 100 post (time sure flies, doesn't it) to write a post of 100 things about here they are....some common...others oddball, but that's me!!!
  1. I'm a wife, mother and grandmother.
  2. This is my second marriage. 1st time - 6 years...this time 31 years and counting.
  3. I have one sister and one brother, each 5 years apart.
  4. I have 3 children, 2 boys and 1 girl...each 5 years apart !
  5. When I was born, I was named Judy.
  6.  Two days later, my Dad renamed me Suzy.
  7. I skipped school in the first grade and got caught. (more on this in an upcoming post!
  8. I've never had a cup of to smell it, no desire to drink it..yuk.
  9. I accepted Christ at age 7.
  10. I can whistle like a guy.
  11. I've always loved thunder storms, the louder the better.
  12. I like all kinds of music.
  13. I hate cold weather....brrrr
  14. My favorite color is blue.
  15. I never liked board games of any kind....boringgg
  16. I have a cowlick!...but don't know any cows personally.
  17. I don't like to go barefoot.
  18. I'm very sentimental.
  19. I cry very easily, especially at Hallmark commercials.
  20. I enjoy bubble baths.
  21. My middle name is Faye, after my mother.
  22. I worry too much.
  23. I never had a dog or cat.
  24. But I do have 2 talking cockatiels, Cookie and Muffin, age 15 and 16.
  25. I love flowers, especially perennials.
  26. I'm a so-so gardener....
  27. But I'm excellent at growing weeds.
  28. Mosquitoes really, really like me.
  29. I like things organized.
  30. I'm fair-skinned and sunburn easily.
  31. I had three really bad burns when I was younger.
  32. I've never played an Instrument.
  33. I fell and broke my nose at age 50.
  34. I love chocolate, especially dark.
  35. I've never gotten a traffic ticket.
  36. Hubby and I met on a blind date....
  37. after 6 months he ask me to marry him.
  38. I did, 2 years later... best choice I ever made!
  39. Because of Hubby's job, we moved 9 times in 11 years.
  40. I can wrap, pack and tape moving boxes like a professional.
  41. Our first house was over 100 years old.
  42. I've researched my family tree back to 1870.
  43. I'm afraid of big dogs.
  44. I don't believe in luck.
  45. I collect teapots, teacups and plates.
  46. I'm glad I'm short.
  47. I'm an evangelical.
  48. I graduated from high school 40 years, has it been that long?
  49. My grade school friend, Diann and I have kept in contact for over 50 years.
  50. We both became grandmothers on the same day !
  51. I pierced my own ears when I was 15.
  52. I believe everything happens for a reason.
  53. I love to sew.
  54. I love the quaint villages of upstate New York.
  55. I enjoy having time to myself.
  56. I drive with two feet...weird, I know.
  57. I collect cookbooks...
  58. I'm just a so-so cook.
  59. I can't stand to waste anything.
  60. I've been a Sunday School Teacher.
  61. I'm addicted to carbs.
  62. I don't like to talk on the phone.
  63. I really miss the sunshine in the winter.
  64. I detest bigotry.
  65. Did I tell you I have a wonderful mother?
  66. I also have a great mother - in - law!
  67. I volunteered at a homeless shelter for several years.
  68. I've also worked at the local food bank.
  69. I wear glasses to drive.
  70. I don't like beets, eggnog or lima beans...or coffee.
  71. A massage at a spa was one of the best Christmas gifts I ever got.
  72. I can talk like" the chipmunks".
  73. My Grandson Alex can too! (I guess he got the gene from me...
  74. I was quite a dancer in my younger days.
  75. I'd love to improve my photography skills.
  76. I won't leave home without make-up.
  77. I'm definitely not a liberal.
  78. I have no interest in sports.
  79. I've always been artistic....
  80. I would love to be a tattoo artist.
  81. I once owned a resale shop.
  82. I went to cosmetology after high school.
  83. I've had every color of hair there is !
  84. I've never had surgery.
  85. I'm left -handed and write with the paper up-side down..weird again.
  86. Hence, I can also read up-side down...
  87. I enjoy doing floral design.
  88. I've been to the Grand Canyon.
  89. I spend way too much time on the computer.
  90. I was on the gymnastic team in high school.
  91. When I was a girl, I wanted to be a missionary.
  92. I have to make my bed immediately after waking up.
  93. I have all my wisdom teeth.
  94. I should be a lot smarter, huh?
  95. I won a synonym contest in the 4th grade.
  96. I have a sweet tooth...ok, maybe several.
  97. I've been to Hawaii 3 times...2 of those trips we won and were all expenses paid!!
  98. I've never had a bicycle.
  99. I'm not afraid of dying.
100. I love Jesus more than life itself.

And that's how the cookie crumbles....
Leave me a comment and let me know if we can still be friends.


  1. Hi Suzy! I just came over from Midlife Mom's! Congrats on your award. I've been reading through your list of 100 things and find many similarities. We must be close to the same age since I also graduated from high school 41 yrs ago.
    I can't stand lima beans either!!
    (and I collect teacups)
    I'll visit again..
    :) Susie

  2. Cute! This is a great list. I found your site from my aunt, Midlife Mom.

  3. Loved your list, Suzy! I feel like I know you lots better now! :o) You were so open and honest in a charming sort of way! Good job!

  4. Hi Suzy!

    I wish someone would have changed MY name after I was born! :)

    We have a few similarities...and a few differences...but I think we can still be friends!

    Have an awesome week!



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