Perennials and watermelon....

Hubby, GS Alex, and I got an early start Sunday morning. After stopping at MacDonald's for some pancakes, we drove over to Trax's farm, a local plant and produce market in our area. They have plenty of fruits and vegetables (some of the best corn you've ever tasted) grown right there on the farm so you know it's fresh.
Outside, there are lots of annuals, perennials, my favorite, and areas where you can "pick your own berries".
This weekend they were having an outdoor flea market. Nothing noteworthy there, but I did get 5 perennials for the flower beds.

Inside the shelves are full of home accessories and garden ornaments.

We wanted to get home before it got too hot. The forecast was for 96 degrees.

After planting the perennials, I sat in the shade and enjoyed a LARGE slice of juicy watermelon and watched the canaries at the feeder.
Now what could be better than that?


  1. What a nice way to spend a day!

  2. What a great place to shop!!! I could spend a day there just looking at everything! The picture of your watermellon is just delish!


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