Enjoying the view....

Enjoy more of our photos of Niagara-on-the-lake.

All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today.
- Indian Proverb
Have a Great Day!!!


  1. What a beautiful place to visit! I would love to go to all of the little shops and see all the wonderful treasures! The flowers are fantastic, guess they haven't had deer eating them like mine! heehee! :0( I also would love to go for a horse and buggy ride through the town. We did that at Church Street Station once and it was a beautiful evening and we enjoyed it so much.

    Love the "dr*ug" story! That is priceless!

    Your posts are always so nice, I really enjoy reading them and seeing the pictures that you take. Great Job!!!

  2. I had to look at your pictures again! The flowers are so beautiful, What a wonderful place to visit!


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