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I have always loved cookbooks. I've collected many over the years and for quite a while now Hubby has been a vendor for a book company as a side job. This doesn't help my addiction!

This is a photo of my first recipe book that my Mom bought me back in 1955. Over the last 52 years it has really become dogeared and tattered but I love the old look of the illustrations. Kinda reminds me of the Dick and Jane readers from grade school!

When we moved last fall, I didn't have a spot in my kitchen to store cookbooks, so I decided to use the shelf in the coat closet near the dining room. It's handy to the kitchen and it's almost eye level, so I can easily pull out the one I want!
For more show and tell , visit Kelli's house.....


  1. This is a wonderful cookbook!! Oh I would just love to come across something like this! I think it's great that you still have it. :)

    Mrs. U

  2. That cookbook is fabulous! It looks like a Dick and Jane cookbook - what a riot.

  3. What a sweet cookbook, the pictures are wonderful!!! What a handy spot to store all of your books too!

  4. What a wondeful cookbook, a real treasure! Isn't it nice to have things that we've had for years and years? Doesn't matter that they are dogeared, that just makes them more special. I have a trunk full of things from my childhood, I need to get it down from the attic and show my grandkids when they are old enough to enjoy that kind of thing. You've inspired me!

  5. What a neat cookbook. Don't think I've ever seen one with all the pictures like that.

  6. I remember children's cookbooks like that from my childhood in the sixties! I love the colorful pictures in them. Very resourceful as to where to store your cookbooks now!

  7. I love your first cookbook! What a great memory from childhood. I also think your solution for cookbook storage is very practical.

  8. Oh I love your cookbook! I so enjoy the older illustrations and have a hard time resisting vintage children's books! Thanks for sharing!


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