This and That....

Here is a small corner shelf that holds miniture plates and a few collectables from the " memories of Yesterday " line.

Here are some photos of my miniture teapot and teacup collection on my kitchen windowsill.
Also, this is a great place to display small seasonal decorations.
I come from a long line of tea drinkers, and I have always loved beautiful china teapots and cups !
"Thank God for tea! What would the world do without tea? How did it exist? I am glad I was not born before tea."
Rev. Sydney Smith
"Tea is nought but this:First you heat the water,Then you make the tea.Then you drink it properly.That is all you need to know."
Sen RikyuZen Tea Master1522-1591
"I don't drink coffee; I take tea, my dear."
-Sting, An Englishman in New York


  1. Thank you for sharing all your pretty things with us! I love how you have them displayed!

  2. I thought I left a comment but don't know what happened to it. Somewhere out there in cyberspace I guess. Love your collection of miniature plates and teapots, very pretty! I hate to admit it but I don't drink tea, just don't like the taste or coffee either. I guess I am just a Caffine Free Diet Coke type gal!


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