Good Old Days.....

This was my fourth grade class picture. I'm the in the middle, top row. I was always the smallest in my class. I can still remember each of their names, but I probably can't tell you things that happened last week ! Isn't that a sign of old age?

This is one of the few photos of my parents, probably taken around 1945.

This photo was taken around 1953. I'm the little one in the front with the bibbed jeans and my hair up under a scarf. There are 3 sets of cousins in this photo. We were out in the country visiting relatives and it looks like we kids had been running around all day, getting sweaty and dirty and someone decided to take our picture....Dear Lord!


  1. Oh what wonderful pictures! I just love the old pictures, I really need to look through mine, get a new scanner and post some of them as I enjoy everyone elses so much.

  2. Such sweet pictures! Thank you for sharing them with us!

  3. What a tiny little girl you were and such a cutie!


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