Thirty - One Years and Counting.....

Last Wednesday, March 14th, Jack and I celebrated our 31st Wedding Anniversary... Where has the time gone?

It was 1974. After much persistence, a mutual friend set us up on a blind date. The evening went fine but neither one of us heard any bells or whistles, so we went our separate ways never expecting to hear from each other again. A few months later this friend's mom asked me to send that nice guy a Christmas card....I said " no ".
But finally I gave in and sent it, but to the wrong zipcode...somehow.. he got the card. Being polite, he sent me a card in return. Fine .. now that's taken care of, and on with my life, right? February came... and the friend's Mom tells me that that nice guy is coming to Pittsburgh for some work related classes, and why don't I ask him to dinner?....I said " no ".

But after some persuading, I agreed. And the rest is history!

Jack asked me to marry him just a few months later, but it was almost a year and a half before we finally tied the knot! We both had been married before, and Jack would not only be getting a wife, but a family. I had two little boys from my first marriage. Two years passed, and in 1978, our daughter Sarah was born. Yes, we've had some rocky times, but we both agree that it's the best decision we ever made!


  1. Happy Anniversary! You're a beautiful couple.

  2. Happy Anniversary!
    Cute pictures!!!

  3. Congratulations! Found you through CMB.

  4. Happy Anniversary !
    I 'am at your blog for the first time, and I enjoyed reading your story.
    I'am a US expat living in Europe and married since 17 years to my soulmate.
    Have a great day ; you are welcome to come and stop by our blog.

  5. Happy Anniversary! What wonderful pictures,I just love them. You both looked great then and great now, can't beat that! My husband and I were set up on a blind date too 36 years ago. We only have one son, wanted more but it just didn't happen so we feel blessed to have the one we got! I think everyone has some rocky times during a marriage but like you we chose to make it work and I'm sure glad we did!

  6. Belated Happy Anniversay, it certainly is a huge milestone!
    You make a handsome couple.

    p.s. thanks for your comment on my blog about my softies. The snail and elephant are my own designs.

  7. Happy belated anniversary. What a handsome couple you are.


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