" A Good Friend "

" The Friend who Just Stands By "

When trouble comes your soul to try,
You love the friend that just "stands by."
Perhaps there's nothing she can do-
The thing is strictly up to you.

For there are troubles all your own,
And paths the soul must tread alone,
Times when love can't smooth the road,
Nor friendship lift the heavy load.

But just to know you have a friend,
Who will stand by until the end,
Whose sympathy through all endures,
Whose warm handclasp is always yours-

It helps some ways to pull you through,
Although there's nothing she can do,
And so with fervent heart you cry,
" God bless the friend who just "stands by "
B.Y. Williams
I have been blessed to find such a friend . . . her name is "Rosie".

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