Pittsburgh Firsts

First heart,liver,kidney transplant - December 3,1989
at Presbyterian University Hospital.

The First Internet Emoticon - The Smiley was the first
internet emoticon, created in 1980 by Carnegie Mellon
University computer scientist Scott Fahlman.

First Bingo Game - Hugh J. Ward first came up with the
concept of bingo in Pittsburgh and later took it nationwide
in 1924.He secured a copywright on the game and wrote a
book of Bingo rules in 1933.


  1. How interesting to hear about these 'firsts'! I learned some things today. :o)

  2. Hi Suzy. Welcome to blogging! Have a great day.

  3. Hi Suzy...I'm here via Seeds From My Garden's blog!! Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging:-) You'll soon find out what an amazing bunch of people are out will be a year of blogging for me in March and I've never had so much fun in my life!! Take care and come visit me if you have a chance:-)

  4. cool bits of info! welcome to the blogging world, here via morning glory!


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